Green Guidelines

How Can I Conserve Energy?
  • Review energy bills to define the amount of energy used on an annual and monthly basis.
  • Determine the main sources of energy use or energy loss (e.g. energy loss could include the effect of an open window in an air-conditioned building).
  • Establish a total energy reduction target (e.g. set a 10% target for reducing overall energy consumed, and a 30% for the amount of energy consumed by the air conditioning system, to be achieved by the end of next year).
  • Determine and implement procedures to reduce the amount of energy consumed for each major energy source.

Lighting and equipment

  • Consider replacing incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent or halogen lights and lamps, especially during replacement of damaged light bulbs. These types of lights use only a fraction of the energy of regular incandescent bulbs to produce the same illumination level and last much longer.
  • If feasible, consider turning off a portion of the lights during lunch breaks, during overtime work and after normal office hours for commercial premises.
  • Ensure lights in conference rooms / meeting rooms are turned off after use. This can be achieved by posting signs near the room exists.
  • Install timers on lights and occupancy sensors (or computer-controller building management system) so that lights are turned off when not in use.
  • Check the lighting levels to determine if there is more than enough light; then adjust levels accordingly.
  • Encourage the use of nature lighting where at all possible.
  • During replacement of damaged ballasts, consider using electronic ballasts to replace conventional electromagnetic ballasts.
  • When purchasing new appliances, check with suppliers to determine the energy efficiency of the products and choose those products (with energy labels) that will save the most energy possible.
  • Ensure that electronic equipment is turned off when it is not in use. This can be achieved by posting reminder signs on electronic appliances.
  • Use timers on electronic office equipment (e.g. laser printers) to ensure that they are turned off after work hours.

Ventilation and temperature control

  • Turn off air conditioning systems after normal office hours. Install timers or computer controls on units to ensure that they are turned off after regular work hours.
  • Ensure air conditioning units in conference rooms / meeting rooms are turned off after use. This can be achieved by posting signs near the room exits.
  • Use natural ventilation instead of air conditioning as far as possible during cool seasons.
  • Establish a maintenance programme to ensure that air conditioning / ventilation equipment is checked on a regular basis, to ensure that it is operating efficiently. Regularly clean dust filters of air conditioning / ventilation systems. Fix problems when they are detected and if possible replace items with more energy-efficient options. Remove items hat restrict flow of air through cooling units.
  • Limit access to the control of air conditioning units to discourage abuse of them.
  • Regularly check room temperatures to determine if controls are correctly set. Optimal room temperature is generally considered to be 24°C. If the room temperature is not at this level, set air conditioner to this level.
  • If the premises are equipped with blinds or curtains, use them to deflect the heat of the sun (to reduce air conditioning loading) during summer time and open them to allow in heat from the sun during colder months.
  • If appropriate, keep all windows and outside doors closed when air conditioning units are running.
How Can I Conserve Water?
  • Install flow restrictions, automatic shut-off systems and other water flow devices to faucets and water fountains. This will ensure that water use is reduced at all times.
  • Encourage users to always completely turn off all faucets and report any possible leaks. Post reminder signs to tell people to turn off faucets and indicate the number to call to report leaky faucets.
  • Establish a monitoring and repair programme to ensure that pipes are in good working order and that leaks and other problems are repaired as soon as they are detected.
  • Consider the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products (e.g. use vinegar to wash windows instead of astringent window cleaners, use biodegradable liquid soup in the public toilet).
  • If watering of vegetation is required, ensure that watering takes place in the morning or evening so that it does not evaporate before it is taken up by vegetation resulting in the need for more watering.
  • Discourage the use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers on vegetation. These substances are likely to pollute ground water supplies, streams, lakes, the harbor and an unhealthy effect for all that depend on these for food or water supply.
How can I Control Wastewater Discharged at the Premises?
  • Provide information to all building occupants that generate trade effluent of the proper effluent discourage routes and points.
  • Maintain drainage pipes within the boundary of the premises to avoid pipe leakage or blockage-causes flooding.
  • If you operate a communal treatment system (e.g. grease trap, a small sewage treatment plant, etc.), ensure that it works property through implementing maintenance and monitoring programme.
How Can I Manage Waste Effectively?


  • Use double-sided photocopying.
  • Encourage the use of e-mail for both internal and external communication, or if this is not possible circulate material rather than making copies for individuals.
  • Avoid photocopying fax document received unless required.
  • Avoid handing out paper flyers, instead post advertisements over the Internet, in newspapers on billboards and on television.
  • Sealing packages – Minimize the amount of tape and strapping used.
  • Choose proper-sized packages to pack goods and avoid using fillers.
  • Handle and store material carefully to reduce breakage and spills.
  • Choose solar powered appliances such as calculators to avoid battery disposal.
  • Use re-usable (not paper) cutlery, dishes, cups and coffee filters wherever possible.
  • Use refillable containers for cleaning products.
  • Develop a “no paper tower policy” by keeping cloth rags on hand to wipe up spills.


  • Use shredded waste paper for packaging.
  • Reuse envelopes by attaching new labels on them.
  • Reuse the boxes you receive from your suppliers for storing materials or delivering products to your customers.
  • Establish a collection bin for used packaging, cord binding, envelopes and other material that can be reused.
  • Establish waste paper recycling boxes near to source of high paper use, such as photocopies, printers and fax machines as well as at people’s desks. Two types of boxes can be used. One box can hold paper that has been used on one side, therefore the other side can be reused. The other box can be for paper use on both sides. Contact a waste paper recovery company to collect paper that has been used on both sides.
  • Encourage your cleaning staff to help in the waste paper separation programme.
  • Ask suppliers about the possibility of returning used products and if possible return used corrugated cardboard, paper boxes and shrink-wrap to them.
  • Use whenever possible recycled paper, refillable pens, recycled toner cartridges, re-charged batteries and other materials that can be re-used or recycled.
  • For other types of waste material produced, consider the possibility of recycling them.
How Can I Handle and Store Material Effectively?
  • Always use the “First-In-First-Out” principle to avoid expiry of materials of materials before their consumption.
  • Post signs to inform employees of good practices of handling and storing materials.
  • Keep an inventory of substances that may potentially cause harm to people and the environment.
  • Ensure proper procedures are followed during the handling and storing of these potentially harmful substances.
What I Can I do to Reduce Noise Problem?
  • Schedule noisy office or building renovation works during the lunch breaks or during those hours that do not conflict with works.
  • Cover or relocate noisy equipment to an area where it will not disturb people at work.
  • Service dripping and noisy air conditioning systems on a regular basis.
  • Implement measures to occupants t noise sources (pump room, mechanical ventilation and air conditioning (MVAC), etc.
  • In case of annoying noise identified within the premises, advise the noise source to reduce noise level and ‘if not effective’ report it to the authority connected.
  • Report any excessive noise levels from outside activities to the Environmental Protection Department.
How Can I Control Air / Odour Problems?
  • Check to determine if there is sufficient fresh air within the building.
  • Ensure that the intake of fresh air for the building is not located near potential outside air pollution sources (e.g. Chimney exhaust from an adjacent building).
  • If feasible, develop a no smoking policy or restrict smoking to a well-ventilated smoking area.
  • Ensure that air outlets, ducts, filters and cooling coils within air-conditioning systems are cleaned.
  • Clean carpet and fabric furniture on a regular basis.
  • Locate photocopiers that generate ozone during operation in properly ventilated areas.
  •  Ask your contractors to use materials having low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) content during renovation.
How Can I Improve the Indoor Air Quality?
  • Ask your contractors to observe the relevant regulations on the use of refrigerants in the air-conditioning systems.
  • If there are odour generating sources (e.g. a sewage treatment room), ensure that the ventilation exhaust points are situated far way from occupants. If necessary, consider installation odour control devices to minimize odour to occupants.
  • If there is an emergency power generator, maintain it regularly and properly to avoid dark smoke emission.

Source of material: Environmental Campaign Committee