Awards & Achievements


Hong Yip won three Awards in The 7th Best Property Safety Management Award

Organised by the Occupational Safety & Health Council, The Best Property Safety Management Award aims at encouraging constant pursuit of safety management among the industry as well as recognizing property management companies with outstanding safety performance. Hong Yip is committed to implementing a safety management system, promoting OSH awareness for staff and contractors with a view to integrate the OSH system into daily operation and to foster the OSH culture.


The management team of Imperial Cullinan won the Bronze Award in The Best Property Safety Management Award. The team uphold the OSH vision and comply with statutory requirement to continually improve in OSH performance. They build up an innovative platform to contribute to the OSH by implementing “Steady 360 Alarm” and “Light-duty Working Platform” to protect the staff on duty and to minimize risk.


Hong Yip Training Department and Tsuen Wan Plaza Team attained Silver Award in the category of Best Safety Enhancement Program. The team conducted risk assessment and enhanced hardware of facilities in safety. They have upgraded the training materials by using Virtual Reality Software for simulating real life environments to enhance handling skills. 


Harbour North achieved Merit Award in the category of Resident’s RMAA Works Safety Enhancement Award.  The Team foster a safety culture to review the effectiveness of the OSH system regularly. They have participated the “Joyful@Healthy Workplace” Programme to increase staff involvement in health and safety.

Imperial Cullinan - Bronze Award in The Best Property Safety Management Award

Tsuen Wan Plaza (Shopping Arcade) – Silver Award in the category of Best Safety Enhancement Program

Harbour North achieved Merit Award in the category of Resident’s RMAA Works Safety Enhancement Award